Name: gnatcoll-db Version: 2018 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: The GNAT Components Collection – database packages Summary(sv): GNAT Components Collection – databaspaket License: GPLv3+ # The source files are GPLv3+ and GPLv2+. These combine into GPLv3+ on the # binary code. URL: Source: # The long hexadecimal number is what identifies the file on the server. # Don't forget to update it! # The latest known address of the download page is: # # This patch makes gnatcoll_db2ada run in python3, and also corrects # the location of Patch: gnatcoll-db-2018-dborm_python3.patch BuildRequires: gcc-gnat gprbuild fedora-gnat-project-common sed BuildRequires: gnatcoll-core-devel = %{version} BuildRequires: gnatcoll-bindings-devel = %{version} # Although upstream doesn't explicitly say so, I guess it's best to keep all # the parts of Gnatcoll on the same version number. BuildRequires: sqlite-devel libpq-devel # Build only on architectures where GPRbuild is available: ExclusiveArch: %{GPRbuild_arches} %global common_description_en \ This is the database module of the GNAT Components Collection. %global common_description_sv \ Detta är databasmodulen i GNAT Components Collection. %description %{common_description_en} %description -l sv %{common_description_sv} %package -n gnatcoll-sql Summary: The GNAT Components Collection – SQL component Summary(sv): GNAT Components Collection – SQL-komponenten %description -n gnatcoll-sql This is the SQL component of the GNAT Components Collection. It provides an object-oriented, high-level interface to SQL queries. %description -n gnatcoll-sql -l sv Detta är SQL-komponenten i GNAT Components Collection. Den tillhandahåller ett objektorienterat högnivågränssnitt mot SQL-frågor. %package -n gnatcoll-sqlite Summary: The GNAT Components Collection – SQLite support Summary(sv): GNAT Components Collection – stöd för SQLite %description -n gnatcoll-sqlite This component provides support for SQLite to the SQL component of the GNAT Components Collection. %description -n gnatcoll-sqlite -l sv Den här komponenten tillhandahåller stöd för SQLite till SQL-komponenten i GNAT Components Collection. %package -n gnatcoll-postgres Summary: The GNAT Components Collection – PostgreSQL support Summary(sv): GNAT Components Collection – stöd för PostgreSQL %description -n gnatcoll-postgres This component provides support for PostgreSQL to the SQL component of the GNAT Components Collection. %description -n gnatcoll-postgres -l sv Den här komponenten tillhandahåller stöd för PostgreSQL till SQL-komponenten i GNAT Components Collection. %package -n gnatcoll-xref Summary: The GNAT Components Collection – cross-referencing Summary(sv): GNAT Components Collection – korshänvisning Provides: gnatinspect %description -n gnatcoll-xref This is the Xref component of the GNAT Components Collection. It provides support for parsing the .ali and .gli files that are generated by GNAT and GCC. In particular, those files contain information that can be used to do cross- references for entities (going from references to their declaration for instance). This package also contains Gnatinspect, a command-line tool for building and querying a database of cross-reference information. %description -n gnatcoll-xref -l sv Detta är komponenten Xref i GNAT Components Collection. Den analyserar .ali- och .gli-filerna som GNAT och GCC producerar. I de filerna finns uppgifter som kan användas till korshänvisning (till exempel att hitta en deklaration utifrån en referens). Det här paketet innehåller också Gnatinspect, ett kommandoradsverktyg för att bygga och söka i en databas över korshänvisningar. %package devel Summary: Development files for the GNAT Components Collection – database packages Summary(sv): Filer för programmering med GNAT Components Collection – databaspaket Provides: gnatcoll_db2ada gnatcoll_all2ada Requires: gnatcoll-sql%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: gnatcoll-sqlite%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: gnatcoll-postgres%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: gnatcoll-xref%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: fedora-gnat-project-common gnatcoll-core-devel %description devel %{common_description_en} The gnatcoll-db-devel package contains source code and linking information for developing applications that use the GNAT Components Collection database packages. This package also contains the tool gnatcoll_db2ada, which generates an Ada package from a description of a database schema. %description devel -l sv %{common_description_sv} Paketet gnatcoll-db-devel innehåller källkod och länkningsinformation som behövs för att utveckla program som använder GNAT Components Collections databaspaket. Det här paketet innehåller också verktyget gnatcoll_db2ada som genererar ett adapaket från en beskrivning av en databasstruktur. %prep %autosetup -n gnatcoll-db-gpl-%{version}-src -p0 %build export GNATCOLL_VERSION=%{version} export BUILD=PROD export LIBRARY_TYPE=relocatable export GNATCOLL_SQLITE=external # Most of these components depend on each other and need to be built in # dependency order. Install the built libraries to a staging directory where # the later build jobs can find them. mkdir stage # without --parents to avoid clobbering any existing directory %global GPRbuild_args %{GPRbuild_optflags} -aP stage%{_GNAT_project_dir} for subdir in sql sqlite postgres xref ; do component=gnatcoll_${subdir} gprbuild -P ${subdir}/${component}.gpr %{GPRbuild_args} gprinstall -P ${subdir}/${component}.gpr \ -aP stage%{_GNAT_project_dir} \ --prefix=${PWD}/stage%{_prefix} \ --lib-subdir=${PWD}/stage%{_libdir} \ --ali-subdir=${PWD}/stage%{_libdir}/${component} \ --no-lib-link -m --create-missing-dirs ln --symbolic --force lib${component}.so.%{version} \ stage%{_libdir}/lib${component}.so done # There are four variants of gnatcoll_db2ada that differ in their database # support. Build the one that supports the most databases. for GPR in gnatinspect/gnatinspect.gpr gnatcoll_db2ada/gnatcoll_all2ada.gpr ; do gprbuild -P ${GPR} %{GPRbuild_args} -cargs -fPIE # -fPIE is added for the hardening. done %install # The libraries have already been staged, so just move them to the "buildroot" # staging directory. mv stage/* --target-directory=%{buildroot} # Stage the executable files. mkdir --parents %{buildroot}%{_bindir} %{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/gnatcoll cp gnatinspect/obj/gnatinspect gnatcoll_db2ada/obj/gnatcoll_all2ada \ --target-directory=%{buildroot}%{_bindir} cp --preserve=timestamps gnatcoll_db2ada/ \ --target-directory=%{buildroot}%{_libexecdir}/gnatcoll # Preserving the command name "gnatcoll_db2ada" seems like a good idea. ln --symbolic gnatcoll_all2ada %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/gnatcoll_db2ada # Make the generated usage project files architecture-independent. for GPR in %{buildroot}%{_GNAT_project_dir}/*.gpr ; do component=`basename --suffix=.gpr ${GPR}` sed --regexp-extended --in-place \ '--expression=1i with "directories";' \ '--expression=/^-- This project has been generated/d' \ '--expression=/package Linker is/,/end Linker/d' \ '--expression=s|^( *for +Source_Dirs +use +).*;$|\1(Directories.Includedir \& "/'${component}'");|i' \ '--expression=s|^( *for +Library_Dir +use +).*;$|\1Directories.Libdir;|i' \ '--expression=s|^( *for +Library_ALI_Dir +use +).*;$|\1Directories.Libdir \& "/'${component}'";|i' \ ${GPR} # The Sed commands are: # 1: Insert a with clause before the first line to import the directories # project. # 2: Delete a comment that mentions the architecture. # 3: Delete the package Linker, which contains linker parameters that a # shared library normally doesn't need, and can contain architecture- # specific pathnames. # 4: Replace the value of Source_Dirs with a pathname based on # Directories.Includedir. # 5: Replace the value of Library_Dir with Directories.Libdir. # 6: Replace the value of Library_ALI_Dir with a pathname based on # Directories.Libdir. done # GPRinstall's manifest files are architecture-specific because they contain # what seems to be checksums of architecture-specific files, so they must not # be under _datadir. Their function is poorly documented, but they seem to be # used when GPRinstall uninstalls packages. The manifest files are therefore # irrelevant in this RPM package, so delete them. rm --recursive --force %{buildroot}%{_GNAT_project_dir}/manifests # This readme file may be of some value to developers: mkdir --parents %{buildroot}%{_docdir}/gnatcoll/xref cp --preserve=timestamps xref/ \ --target-directory=%{buildroot}%{_docdir}/gnatcoll/xref # Install the license in a directory named after the source package. mkdir --parents %{buildroot}%{_licensedir}/%{name} cp --preserve=timestamps COPYING3 \ --target-directory=%{buildroot}%{_licensedir}/%{name} %check %{_rpmconfigdir}/check-rpaths %files -n gnatcoll-sql %{_libdir}/* %{_licensedir}/%{name} # All the other subpackages depend on gnatcoll-sql, so only this one needs to # contain the license file. %files -n gnatcoll-sqlite %{_libdir}/* %files -n gnatcoll-postgres %{_libdir}/* %files -n gnatcoll-xref %{_libdir}/* %{_bindir}/gnatinspect %files devel %{_includedir}/* %{_libdir}/*.so %{_libdir}/gnatcoll* %{_GNAT_project_dir}/* %{_bindir}/gnatcoll_*2ada %{_libexecdir}/gnatcoll %{_docdir}/gnatcoll %changelog * Wed Apr 03 2019 Björn Persson - 2018-2 - Added more macro usage and more comments. - Removed unnecessary duplicates of the license file. * Sun Mar 24 2019 Björn Persson - 2018-1 - new package